My artwork takes a critical view on human relationships. Exploring how humans behave in unconventional situations that occur in their lives. I tease out what is acceptable and what is not acceptable behavior. What I find most interesting is the dark sinister issues that lead to a considerable amount of conflict and pain between two humans. By observing the normal everyday happenings, which most people can identify with, I change the conflict and pain into something humorous and ridiculous.

Most of my pieces are drawn from my own personal experience, so despite the absurdity of each piece, there is a very serious meaning to the work.

From this angle, perhaps we can begin to understand the behavior and maybe learn something about ourselves that we might not like, and that we might consider addressing. The pieces offer the audience to become involved and reflect back on their own lives experience.

Also by using the language of fairy tales lends itself ideally to visual representation and narrative. This then enables the work to become immediately identifiable to make the unfamiliar seem more familiar so people can make an immediate connection with the work.

I use a variety of materials in each piece although my methodology is consistent. There may not always be material similarities between the different pieces as they are linked by the subject matter. The subject matter of each body of work determines the materials and the forms of the work.

Each piece often consists of multiple works, often in a range of different media combined with a performance.